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Welcome to the

Chabad Seminary of Austria

For questions, please contact us via e-mail!
Please note: All payments made to the seminar are non-refundable.

Contact Us
The Rebbe on Education

And as it is well known, the parable of a seed or a sapling, that even a minor improvement at this age progresses to unparalleled results when it becomes a fruit bearing tree.

Our vision

Before stepping out of school into independence, The Chabad Seminary of Austria is preparing students with an immersive chassidishe education. Equipping our students with relevant tools and expertise to make chassidus their own, take on leadership in their lives and innovate change in their surroundings, IYH.

The Chabad Seminary of Austria is overseen by

Rabbi Yakov Biderman

Head Shaliach of Austria

Rabbi Zalman & Blumi Raskin


Rabbi Chaim Fieldsteel

Hanhala Ruchnis

Quality Education

Brought to you by a team of Shluchim and experienced educators. The Seminary offers lessons in Hebrew and English on a variety of subjects for each student to find their place. Courses include Halacha, Chassidus, Bayis Yehudi, Mishnas Hashlichus, Chumash, Navi and more.

Chinuch & Shlichus Prep Program

The Chabad Seminary of Austria prides itself on a unique chinuch- and shlichus- prep program. Excursions to different European countries will give students an in-depth look at the work of many successful mechanchim and shluchim, which they will explore throughout the year. Students will be given opportunities to develop skills in different fields of chinuch and shlichus, giving our graduates an advantage in their future endeavours.


Our spacious and pampering campus can host a large group. In a beautiful castle, with facilities offering many classrooms, health conscious meals, large indoor and outdoor recreational spaces, a fully equipped auditorium and comfortable dorm rooms each with a private washroom. Our historic campus is located at the edge of the beautiful Alps, with weekly programming in the city of Vienna.

Personal Growth

The Chabad Seminary of Austria offers not only a robust curriculum but an environment of respect, which values individual relationships and personal growth, fostering a network of lifelong mentors and quality friendships.

We are excited to share more!

Contact Us

Chabad Seminary Austria
Sooß 1
3382 Loosdorf
